Carrer Counselling

Despite the gaps in employment growth between visually impaired people and the general public, there are numerous rewarding methods for visually impaired people to earn a living. Most people with visual impairments have the same qualifications and abilities as people who don’t have visual impairments. They can do the same jobs and only need reasonable adjustments to get the job done.

There are a lot of myths and stereotypes about the abilities of visually impaired people to work in a regular job setting. Adaptive equipment, like screen-reading software and braille displays, is now available to help people who are blind do almost any job. There may be other changes that need to be made, but someone who is blind or has low vision has probably already looked into ways to do their job.

The purpose of Career Counseling program by Equity Nepal is to assist visually impaired youngsters in making good decisions regarding their futures. As part of our Career Counseling program, we offer a variety of services, such as ability tests, opportunities for vocational training, help with making a resume and preparing for interviews, as well as help finding a job.