The Best Exercises for Proper Eye Care

The muscles in your eyes work the hardest out of all the muscles in your body. Every day, the average person blinks 17,000 times! But, just like with any other muscle, working the eyes too hard can make them tired and stressed out. Because of this, taking care of your eyes, and following the best exercises for proper eye care is very important.


Eye workouts are meant to make your eye muscles stronger, help you focus, reduce eye movement, and stimulate the vision centre in your brain. Your eye muscles will get stronger and help you see better as you do these exercises and move on to new ones. Your exercise plan will depend on several factors, such as your age and the health of your eyes.


Bad sleeping habits, looking at TV or computer screens for long periods, working in bright or very dim light, being around pollution all the time, and bad eating habits can all wear out your eyes and hurt your eye health. One way to avoid eye strain and take good care of your eyes is to work out regularly. Here are some of the most popular eye exercises that eye doctors say you should do:


  • Pendulum exercise: If you do not have anything that can move in a pendular way, move your finger back and forth and forth and watch your eye follow it.
  • Swing exercise: To do the last exercise again, move the pendulum toward and away from you this time instead of side to side. These two movements will help your lens stay focused and work the muscles around your eyes.
  • Eyewash: Put your eyes in a bowl of water and blink ten times. This will make the muscles around your eyes stronger.
  • Sun swinging: Spend five minutes moving back and forth in front of a light while keeping your eyes closed. To do it outside in the sun is another option. The changing levels of light will make your eyes feel like they are being rubbed.
  • Snellen’s chart: An optometrist or eye care clinic will give you an eye chart that you can read and then trace a line across it. This helps your eye muscles work out.



Do eye workouts help? For certain important reasons, they most certainly can. Although eye exercises can help better vision, it is important to remember that they can’t fix all eye problems. Some doctors might be able to tell you how to work out your eyes adequately.

Also, it is important to get regular tests with an eye doctor to make sure that your vision problems are not caused by something more serious.

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