Visual Impairment and Transition from High School might face a challenging time if not focused on earlier. Whether you are a parent of a child who has graduated from high school or an individual working for an NGO, you have done your best, passed on your values, and made an effort to set a good example.
However, once you graduate from high school, you will be taking an additional significant step, which instills a sense of responsibility. Visually impaired people will have to work their way up to complete independence over time.
Individuals will need to practice the skills required to live independently as well as the skills required to study and work independently. They will be able to confidently make the transition to adulthood with greater ease the more actively they engage in all aspects of life in their family, school, and community.
As an organization, Equity Nepal has the very important responsibility of organising activities and projects in Nepal aimed at assisting children who are visually impaired.
We create activities and projects in order to give visually impaired children the same opportunities as sighted children and to assist them in reaching their full potential. The following is a list of some of the most significant accomplishments achieved by Equity Nepal:
Equity Nepal has a very important responsibility, in its capacity as an organization, to organize activities and projects that are geared towards assisting visually impaired children in Nepal.
We create events and projects so that visually impaired children receive the same chances as their sighted peers and are assisted in reaching their full potential. The following is a list of some of the most essential issues that Equity Nepal has accomplished:
On the whole, there are six main parts:
Not only does Equity Nepal prioritise the availability of living and educational facilities for our visually impaired children, but we also place a high value on their overall development to ensure that they are prepared for life even outside of their homes and classrooms.
Every student experiences excitement as well as fear when thinking about the transition from high school to college. Having a visual impairment does slightly increase the difficulty of the task. We provide our students with these steps to facilitate a smoother transition.
Rise of Ocular Problems in Nepal: How Can They Be Managed?
How Should I Interact with a Visually Impaired Person?
6 Useful Apps for Blind and Partially Sighted Users
Blindness and Visual Impairment and Their Causes in Nepal
Journey to Independence: Empowering Visually Impaired Youth through Vocational Training in Nepal